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terserang wabah bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "terserang wabah"
  • Dude, I got the yellow plague.
    Kawan, aku terserang wabah kulit kuning.
  • Vermigli's health was already declining when he succumbed to an epidemic fever in 1562.
    Kesehatan Vermigli makin menurun saat ia terserang wabah demam pada 1562.
  • The division was struck by an epidemic of typhoid fever and had to evacuate its camps.
    Divisi ini terserang wabah demam tifoid dan harus mengungsi dari kamp-kampnya.
  • His father Alfredo, and his older brother, Alfredo Jr., died in 1916 as a result of a widespread Italian flu outbreak.
    Ayahnya, Alfredo, meninggal pada tahun 1916 karena terserang wabah flu yang menyebar luas di Italia pada waktu itu.
  • In the 14th century the country might have been ravaged by the plague, while Arab tribes began to migrate into the Upper Nile valley.
    Pada abad ke-14, negara ini mungkin terserang wabah pes, sementara suku-suku Arab mulai bermigrasi ke lembah Nil Hulu.
  • For two years more the fighting continued with varying success, until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to sue for peace, his army being decimated by the plague.
    Selama dua tahun lagi peperangan itu berlanjut dengan berbagai keberhasilan, sampai Charles dari Valois, yang dikirim ke Bonifasius untuk menyerang Sisilia, terdesak untuk berdamai, pasukannya terserang wabah.
  • As the outbreak progressed, many hospitals, short on both staff and supplies, were overwhelmed and closed down, leading some health experts to state that the inability to treat other medical needs may have been causing "an additional death toll likely to exceed that of the outbreak itself".
    Pada akhir Oktober, banyak rumah sakit di wilayah yang terserang wabah tidak berfungsi atau ditutup, sehingga beberapa pakar kesehatan menyatakan bahwa ketidakmampuan untuk menyediakan kebutuhan medis dapat menyebabkan "jumlah korban tewas tambahan yang mungkin akan melampaui wabah itu sendiri".